
Empire of the Clouds: When Britain's Aircraft Ruled the World When Britain's Aircraft Ruled the World【電子書籍】[ James Hamilton-Paterson ]





<p>In 1945 Britain was the world's leading designer and builder of aircraft -- a world-class achievement that was not mere rhetoric. And what aircraft they were. The sleek Comet, the first jet airliner. The awesome delta-winged Vulcan, an intercontinental bomber that could be thrown about the sky like a fighter. The Hawker Hunter, the most beautiful fighter-jet ever built and the Lightning, which could zoom ten miles above the clouds in a couple of minutes and whose pilots rated flying it as better than sex. Just what was it like to be alive in that marvellous post-war moment when innovative new British aircraft made their debut, and pilots were the rock stars of the age?</p> <p>In this special fully illustrated and lavishly produced large format hardback edition James's text is joined by glorious photographs that precisely capture the elegance, excitement and genius of these extraordinary aircraft, and offer a behind the scenes glimpse into a lost world of pioneering design, engineering and the daring of a generation of test pilots.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:1,266円
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