
365 Rules of the New World If We Had a Chance to Do It All over Again, Would We Do It Right?【電子書籍】[ Steven J. Bennett ]





<p>This thought-provoking compilation delivers a message of awareness and transformation through the daily insights of an inspired non-conformist. As a partner to the 365 Rules website, it asks you to think critically about the world we live in.</p> <p>Rule No. 130: Holding establishments accountable for drinking and drivingjust another example of the self indulgent, irresponsible masses trying to deflect blame and suck upon the teat of societys two-headed litigious whore mother greed and avarice!</p> <p>Rule No. 355: Car alarmshow many times has your car alarm been set off accidentally? And how many times has your car been stolen? Exactly!</p> <p>Rule No. 320: I hate copsI hate the cops translation I hate getting busted every time I break the law. If you hate police, chances are youre breaking the law too often.</p> <p>Prepare yourself, because the gems of wisdom contained within its pages will awaken your desire to challenge the system.</p> <p>In the new world, 365 Rules will be handed down through generations as a continual work in progress to help keep our world on a righteous path.</p> <p>365 Rules of the New World is a hilarious glimpse into the mind of a man craving serious societal change. Seemingly off-the-wall and curmudgeonly, Bennett manages to perfectly balance humor and poignancy to deliver a powerful punch to the gut of the whacky world we live in.</p> <p>Nicole Schill, author of 30yearoldknowitall.wordpress.com</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:468円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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